
Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

As it is with every production that Nintendo launches (NES Mini, anyone?), in that location was a lot of hype around the launch of the Nintendo Switch ($299 at Best Buy, $299 at Amazon). Fans and reviewers alike were excited to get their hands on this new panel that came with a dock for playing on the TV, along with removable controllers that Nintendo dubbed "Joy-Cons". Then, obviously, we got the Nintendo Switch to check out for ourselves, and run across if the hype was well deserved, or only another marketing win for the company. I've been playing with it for quite some time, and here is my review of the Nintendo Switch:

Nintendo Switch Specifications

Dimensions 9.iv x iv x 0.55 inches
Processor Quad Core ARM Cortex A57 Tegra Processor with NVIDIA GPU
Display six.ii" LCD Brandish (1280x720 pixels)
Storage 32 GB ROM, microSD upto 2TB
Battery 4310mAh Li-ion battery
Sensors Accelerometer, Gyroscope, and Effulgence Sensor
Toll MSRP $299.99

Design and Build: Incomparably Boring

Showtime things get-go, the Nintendo Switch comes in a box that has so many compartments it'due south hard to wonder if you lot missed taking something out of the box. Fortunately, even if Ididmiss something, it was obviously non essential to the overall functionality of the console, because it has been working perfectly well.

Within the box, y'all'll observe:

  • Nintendo Switch console (obviously!)
  • Joy-Cons (greyness, or coloured, depending on which ones y'all ordered… nosotros got the grey ones)
  • Switch Dock
  • Wrist Straps
  • Joy-Con Grip
  • HDMI Cablevision
  • Power Adapter

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

  • The Switch Panel

The offset matter I noticed as soon equally I pried the Switch out of its comfortable cardboard cradle, was the ginormous bezels, the plastic screen, and the kickstand which is and so weak that it comes off every now and then. From the exterior, the Switch doesn't expect like much, to be honest.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

The speakers are positioned on the dorsum, and the air vent on the superlative. Plus, the over-all monochrome theme that Switch comes with, looks incomparably boring. Of grade the coloured Joy-Cons would've added colour to the setting, but I don't really like those colours.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

Oh, and before I forget, the microSD card slot (yeah, at that place'due south one on the Switch!) is located backside the kickstand, and so every fourth dimension I place the Switch on the kickstand, it just feels weird because I know the slot is exposed. PSA: Get a microSD card; the Switch comes with 32GB of storage, but there are games that are larger than the available internal storage on the Switch. Awkward much?

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

  • The Joy-Cons

I honestly thought, in all of my naivetĂ©, that the Switch would ship with at least some sort of a demo installed. And then I but slid the Joy-Cons on the sides, and fired it up. Needless to say I was disappointed. What with long forms and business relationship creation steps, I was forced to accept that I wouldn't become to play anything until I purchased and downloaded it.

The problem reared its ugly head when I had to first remove the Joy-Cons from the Switch. At that place are buttons that you need to press and hold while sliding the Joy-Cons out from the sides (which in itself sounds similar something they should train you for), and even and so, the buttons are placed in a very bad identify. It takes quite a bit of twisting and turning the Switch in your hands to be able to have the Joy-Cons out. Although this did get easier once I got used to the awkwardly placed buttons, it's withal something I think Nintendo could've worked out in a better manner.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

All that said, attaching the Joy-Cons to the Nintendo Switch is quite the fun thing to exercise. The audible and tactile click of the Joy-Cons sliding into identify is amazing, and the buttons on the Joy-Cons are so perfectly tactile (except for the dwelling and screenshot buttons), that I found myself pressing them for no reason, even when the panel was powered off.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

  • Wrist Straps

Nintendo plain realized that people will go excited while playing the multiplayer games on the Switch, and might cease upward accidentally throwing their Joy-Cons into outer infinite; which is why Nintendo included wrist straps with the Switch. There are a couple of things I noticed while trying the wrist straps out, playing Quick Draw against Rupesh.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

Firstly, the buttons on these things are just bad. They're mushy, then not tactile that it's quite an badgerer pressing them at all. What's worse, is that removing the wrist straps feels like it'southward not supposed to be done.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

In that location is a lot of resistance to removing the wrist straps, and Nintendo literally added an additional lock to them, to supplement the already awkwardly placed button on the Joy-Con. In order to remove the wrist straps, y'all'll first have to disengage the lock, and then press and concur the push button and slide the Joy-Con up. If this sounds complicated as it is, look till you lot do this and the lock clicks dorsum into identify. It happens. Nearly every time.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

  • The Joy-Con Grip

Moving on to the Joy-Con Grip, one interesting thing I noticed about it, is that the lights that testify up on the Grip are just reflections of the lights from the Joy-Cons themselves. Nintendo used mirrors to reverberate the light from the Joy-Cons, which I really actually similar. Why be redundant and add lights to everything when reflection can solve the problem?

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

The but thing I didn't like about the Joy-Con Grip was the fact that it's unable to charge the Joy-Cons, because, it'd be infinitely ameliorate if I could just exit the Joy-Cons attached to the grip, and plug in a cablevision to charge them up, while the Switch sabbatum in the Switch Dock and charged. It'd have been easier.

Display: Just Good Enough

The Nintendo Switch features a half dozen.2″ LCD screen, with a resolution of 1280×720 I know that sounds pretty bad on paper, but honestly, it'due south fine. Mediocre, yep, but fine. Nintendo could've made it much better. However, the reason they didn't practise this is hidden behind the GPU that is used in the Switch. Nintendo went with a GPU that has an undocked clock speed of 307.2MHz, and driving a 720p display will be infinitely easier for the GPU, while as well saving on battery life, and god knows the Switch needs to relieve on battery life (I'll get dorsum to that).

Nintendo Siwtch Display

Game Modes: Truly Unique

If it looks similar this review is not going too well for the Nintendo Switch, things are about to alter for the better. Like I said, on the outside, the Nintendo Switch doesn't really seem like anything great, or even exciting enough. So, I purchased a game (The Legend of Zelda, if y'all're wondering), and merely started playing.

There are a number of ways to play games on the Nintendo Switch, and all of them offer something unique.

  • Portable Mode

One of my personal favourites – the Portable Style offers what the Nintendo Switch had always been claiming. A truly portable gaming solution that brings nifty command, and gameplay in a pocket-sized parcel. It's actually a lot of fun to play games in the Portable Mode, and a lot of credit for this ease of play goes to the fact that the Switch maintains a perfect distance between the user'south hands while they're playing.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

Word of advice: As fun equally it is to play games in the Portable Mode, do not use information technology while lying on your back. Information technologywillfall on your face up, and youvolitionfeel the pain. Believe me, I've been there.

  • Kickstand Mode

The Switch doesn't claim to be a complete gaming package without having a lot of features one wouldn't notice on other consoles:modularity being one of them. Information technology was with relief and expectation that I pulled out the Switch'due south kickstand, and placed information technology on a table to continue playing Legend of Zelda.

Playing in the Kickstand Mode is smashing, and is a lot of relief from having the Switch'due south weight on your hands all the time. I truly believe this could be a great way to enjoy games on the Switch for longer sessions, but I was brought to an precipitous and unwelcome cease by the Switch's battery existence low.

Testing it out, the bombardment life I got from the Switch varied from game to game, which was expected. However, what wasn't expected was just iii hours of game time on Zelda, and near other graphically superior games. Oh, and if you're thinking "so what? I'll merely plug it in and continue playing!", you're in for a bitter surprise – the USB Blazon-C port is on the bottom of the Switch, so it's not really possible to accuse the Switch while playing in Kickstand Fashion. Non unless y'all use a third political party Switch dock. If you're interested in that, y'all tin can cheque out Nintendo'due south officially licensed dock from Hori.

  • Multiplayer Mode

The Nintendo Switch is non merely meant to be a portable gaming console, it's meant to be an all-around entertainment organisation. Which obviously means that it should havelocal multiplayer support… and it does. The starting time game that I bought for trying out multiplayer gaming on the Switch was "1-ii Switch", and I must say, multiplayer games are quite fun. 1-2 Switch has 28 mini games inside, ranging from wearisome games like "Ball Count", to more intensive games like "Table Lawn tennis", "Boxing Gym" and more. I'd also recommend "Quick Draw" to anyone wondering which games to play in multiplayer mode.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

That said, 1-2 Switch has the kind of mini-games that are quite fun to play for a couple of times, but will definitely end upwards non being used subsequently a couple of days. They practice show off the capabilities of the Joy-Cons, and I must say, Nintendo packed some sweet tech inside those fiddling controllers. Well done!

  • Television receiver Style

Probably one of the best, and nearly heady style of playing games on the Switch, is the Goggle box Mode. It's also great that moving from portable to Tv mode is seamless. All I had to do, was slide the Switch into the Telly Dock, and I could proceed playing Zelda on the TV. The Switch definitely surprised me when it was able to handle pushing Legend of Zelda to a 1080p display, and get 60fps! This thing is what dreams are made of; at to the lowest degree for people who similar gaming.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

The Dock besides serves the purpose of charging the Switch, but I was disappointed to come across that the charging speeds were quite dull. Non at all fast enough to actually gain a lot of bombardment power if you decide to motion back to Portable Mode afterward a bit of Telly gaming.

Oh, and before I forget, in that location have been reports of the Nintendo Switch Dock scuffing up the bezels on the Switch panel, which is definitely something I find very weird. Information technology didn't happen to me, even subsequently using the Switch Dock multiple times, but information technology could very well happen, so it'due south good to be careful.

Nintendo Switch Games: Express & Pricey But Fun!

The Nintendo Switch is definitely an excellent console, but information technology is held dorsum by the (currently) limited number of games bachelor in the Nintendo eShop. Which also reminds me that the eShop is the worst feel available on the Switch, but I'll come up back to that later on.

There aren't a lot of games bachelor for the Switch, 38 to exist exact, at the time of writing, and while the Nintendo eShop isn't region locked (you can literally access the eShop for any country yous desire), accessing content other than what's bachelor in your region's eShop requires creating a new user for every region. For detailed instructions, cheque out our article on the same.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

Not just that, the games for Nintendo Switch are incredibly overpriced, for the well-nigh part. When I first got around to purchasing games for the Switch, I was quite okay with Fable of Zelda being priced at $59.99; sure, it'south a bit steep, but the game deserves it and I was sure of it. However, 1-2 Switch comes at a toll of $49.99, and information technology'south just… disappointing? I don't know how to draw information technology, but spending ~$50 for a game you lot'd get bored of after effectually 2-3 hours of playing merely seems like a really bad idea.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

Which brings me to another annoyance – demos, or the lack thereof. The Nintendo eShop has no manner of filtering out games that have demos, just that'south probably considering there's only i – at least in the US eShop. Snipperclips – the name of the game – is quite the boring puzzle game, and I'm glad they had a demo, because I'd have purchased it for no reason. As I sat effectually searching for more than demos, looking upwardly forums on the cyberspace and whatnot, I finally found out that the Japanese eShop had more demos than the US eShop did –ii,to be verbal.

A little tip: you can go to the eShop "Search", and search for "demos" to view all the games that accept a demo bachelor. Yous can likewise go out the search field blank to view all the gamesthat are bachelor on the eShop. You're welcome! Also, check out our list of the best Nintendo Switch games, if you lot want to make certain a game is good enough before y'all buy information technology.

The but good thing about the way Nintendo handled demos with the Switch, is that there is no time-limit, or play-limit on the demos, so you tin can play them as many times every bit you like, and for as long as y'all want. However, I clearly recall thinking to myself that I'd gladly merchandise in the "no play limits" affair for having demos available for every game. Just my two cents.

Performance: Unexpectedly Good

Talking specifically about functioning on the Nintendo Switch, it's good to see that the console holds upwards pretty well for the most part. Yous may see a stutter e'er so infrequently, when playing intensive games. However, I was surprised to see Legend of Zelda perform amazingly, even on the TV. I really doubted that the Switch will be able to handle a game like that on a 65″ 1080p display, but I was pleasantly surprised from the performance this little guy pushed out.

Battery: Mediocre

The Nintendo Switch packs in a 4310mAh Li-ion battery, which is rated to last for upto half-dozen hours. However, for the most part, the Switch battery will last you for around iii-4 hours. Playing Fable of Zelda on the Switch really taxes the panel, and the battery dies out at around 3 hours, which is definitely not enough time! The Joy-Con controllers besides take rechargeable batteries, just they final for around twenty hours on a single charge, so you lot won't really find yourself worrying about them too much.

Other Thoughts and Modest Annoyances

The Nintendo Switch has a lot going for it, and it has a lot of things that I wish they changed. Both physically, and in the games, Nintendo tin clearly brand a lot of peachy changes. But while those were things that deserved their own personal section to discuss, there are some things that don't really fit anywhere except only minor annoyances that I faced with the Switch.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

Firstly, the Joy-Cons can't charge unless they are attached to the Switch console, and the console isn't beingness used. That's not too large a bargain, merely it's made worse by the fact that the Joy-Con Grip can't accuse the Joy-Cons either. I think Nintendo heard the requests from its customers, because information technology recently launched a Joy-Con Charging Grip ($29.88), and has also appear a Joy-Con Bombardment Pack ($17).

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console

The screen on the Nintendo Switch is mediocre, and while information technology's good enough at 720p for a 6.two″ screen, Nintendo could take made it much better. I won't get equally far equally to call it a bargain breaker, but it definitely isn't as exciting as the thought of the console itself is.

Nintendo went ahead and put a headphone jack on their console, and while that was definitely a great motion, the position of the headphone jack is weird. It'south placed on the acme of the console, so you can easily attach headphones while playing in portable mode. Motility on to placing the Switch on the table, nonetheless, and things start going downhill. Unless yous take a pair of headphones with a cable that's long enough, yous'll find yourself quite close to the screen for comfort. If you lot're thinking "But why would you non utilise Bluetooth headphones instead?", it's because the Switch doesn't connect to Bluetooth headphones.

Nintendo Switch Review: A Truly Portable Gaming Console


  • Portable gaming solution
  • Amazing Boob tube Manner
  • Tactile buttons and decent affect screen
  • Responsive UI
  • Amazing Joy-Con battery life
  • microSD back up (upto 2TB!)


  • Display quality is mediocre
  • Weak kickstand
  • Mediocre battery life from the console
  • No Bluetooth headphone support
  • Only 32GB internal memory

See ALSO: 10 Cool Nintendo Switch Tricks You Should Know

Verdict: Is The Nintendo Switch Worth It?

The Nintendo Switch ($299 at Best Purchase, $299 at Amazon) is definitely a great console, and while there are areas where I'm sure Nintendo could've done a lot better, none of them are bargain breakers. The but affair that could come up shut to existence a deal breaker, especially for people who play a lot of games for long hours, is the battery life, and that can be solved with a power bank, and the Joy-Con charging grip. The Switch as well has a lot of cracking games available already, and more are being added every at present and so. If you lot're okay with the premium pricing on near of these games, you'll honey the experience that the Nintendo Switch is capable of offer.

Over all, the Nintendo Switch is definitely worth it. And while I'd take liked to take demos bachelor for all the games (fifty-fifty if they were time limited or something), information technology's not really something that puts me off. The variety of game modes, and the first-class gameplay actually puts the Switch on my personal list of favourite ways to play games. At an MSRP of $299, the Nintendo Switch is one of the all-time gaming consoles that offers users the "all-time of four worlds":with portable manner, multiplayer mode, kickstand mode, and TV mode. Like every product that Nintendo has been putting out, the Switch, also is selling similar hot cakes, so if you're interested, grab it every bit shortly equally y'all find one in stock. You lot'll dearest information technology.


Design and Build Quality




Gaming Performance





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